VA-WHPC September Event - Leadership Journeys Time: Sep 19, 2023, 01:00 PM EST (US and Canada).
Join us for our next community event featuring Dr. Neena Imam as she shares her personal view of challenges and successes experienced throughout her inspiring leadership journey in research, HPC and AI computing. Come learn about career strategies, ask questions, and contribute to our discussion of how the playing field may be leveled to offer equitable IT & HPC leadership opportunities for women and minorities.
Dr. Imam earned a PhD in Electrical Engineering and has been engaged in research and computing in a variety of roles.
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Rivanna will be taken down for maintenance in 2023 on the following days:
Tuesday, March 7 Tuesday, May 30 Tuesday, October 3 Monday, December 18 Please plan accordingly. Questions about the 2023 maintenance schedule should be directed to our user services team.
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During the July 18th maintenance, RC engineers installed a new /scratch file storage system on Rivanna. We have created sample scripts and instructions to help you transfer your files from the previous file system to the new one.(Expand the link below for details.) The previous scratch filesystem, now called /oldscratch, will be permanently retired on October 17, 2023 and all the data it contains will be deleted.
Users should clean up their /oldscratch directory in preparation, to minimize the load. A sample script is posted below.
Modified queue limits have been implemented to provide maximum read/write performance of the new /scratch filesystem.
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Rivanna will be down for maintenance on July 18, 2023 beginning at 6 a.m. You may continue to submit jobs until the maintenance period begins, but if the system determines your job will not have time to finish, it will not start until Rivanna is returned to service.
All systems are expected to return to service by 6 a.m. on Wednesday, July 19.
IMPORTANT MAINTENANCE NOTES New scratch RC engineers will be installing a new /scratch storage filesystem that can be accessed at /scratch/$USER after the end of maintenance.
Modified queue limits will be implemented to provide maximum read/write performance of the new /scratch filesystem.
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Rivanna will be down for maintenance on May 30, 2023 beginning at 6 a.m. You may continue to submit jobs until the maintenance period begins, but if the system determines your job will not have time to finish, it will not start until Rivanna is returned to service.
All systems are expected to return to service by 6 a.m. on Wednesday, May 31.
IMPORTANT MAINTENANCE NOTES Five RTX3090 nodes (4 GPU devices each) have been added to the gpu partition - use --gres=gpu:rtx3090 in Slurm script.
Modules The toolchains gompic gcccuda goolfc will be removed from Rivanna during the maintenance period, since we now have CUDA-aware toolchains based on gcc/11.
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What: Join us in welcoming 11 undergraduate and graduate students from across Virginia to talk about their research. The talks will be lightning style format allowing 3 minutes for students to present and 1-2 questions and 1-2 questions from the audience. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to hear about a variety of research topics within HPC!
Event Time: April 4, 2023, 01:00 PM EST (US and Canada).
Register now -- Featured Speakers: Lakshmi Miller - Graduate Student
Aerospace and Ocean Engineering, Virginia Tech
“CFD Informed Maneuvering of AUVs”
Rashmi Chawla - Graduate Student
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Medical images come from multiple sources such as MRI, CT, X-ray, ultrasound, and PET. Analysis of these images requires a comprehensive environment for data access, visualization, processing, and algorithm development. The main challenge is to extract clinically meaningful information based on advanced techniques such as Artificial Intelligence (AI). To achieve this, one needs to clean, segment, register, and label a large collection of images. For the AI analysis, there are many more challenges such as iteratively adjusting AI models or learning parameters. MATLAB provides tools such as Medical Imaging Toolbox and Deep Learning Toolbox and algorithms for end-to-end medical image analysis and AI workflow.
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Rivanna will be down for maintenance on December 19, 2022 beginning at 6 a.m. You may continue to submit jobs until the maintenance period begins, but if the system determines your job will not have time to finish, it will not start until Rivanna is returned to service. Users will not be able to access the Globus data transfer node during the maintenance period.
All systems are expected to return to service by 6 a.m. on Tuesday, December 20. Globus users may need to rebuild their shared collections.
IMPORTANT MAINTENANCE NOTES Two new toolchains are now available: goolf/11.2.0_4.1.4 and intel/2022.
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Globus is a simple, reliable, and fast way to access and move your research data between systems. Researchers can transfer data from their old scratch directories to new scratch via a single web interface - no software download or installation is necessary.
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Topic: Women in HPC & IT Leadership Roles.
When: October 12, 2022 01:00 PM, Eastern Time (US and Canada).
Join us for our Fall community meeting to hear from female leaders in the HPC & IT field sharing challenges and successes experienced throughout their careers. Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to learn about career strategies, share your experience, and contribute to our discussion of how the playing field may be leveled to offer equitable HPC & IT leadership opportunities for women and minorities. Attendees are invited to share their own experiences and engage with panelists during this interactive Q&A session.
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When: Aug 5, 2022 11:00AM-3:00PM, Eastern Time (US and Canada)
UVA is proud to sponsor a community meeting to discuss ACCORD, how far we have come and where we are headed. The event is all virtual, and you may attend any or all of the topics.
Access the Event: Register for the Event Zoom Link -- You are welcome to invite colleagues to attend the Community Meeting, especially researchers who are new to ACCORD.
Agenda 11:00 – 11:10 Welcome to ACCORD 11:10 – 12:00 Technical Overview of ACCORD 12:00 – 12:15 Break 12:15 – 12:45 Demo of ACCORD 12:45 – 1:30 Brown bag lunch with users sharing their experience 1:30 – 1:50 Breakout Room Topic Discussions Session 1 1:50 – 1:55 Switch Breakout Rooms 1:55 – 2:15 Breakout Room Topic Discussions Session 2 2:15 – 2:30 Break 2:30 – 3:00 Peek into the Future of ACCORD The same topics will be covered in the two breakout sessions so that you may attend two of the topics.
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Rivanna has included Intel KNL (Knight’s Landing) nodes for several
years. This was a unique architecture, not well suited for general
use, and the manufacturer has stopped producing or supporting this type
of hardware. As a result, the KNL nodes will be removed from Rivanna
on June 30, 2022.
Rivanna System Details
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Rivanna will be down for maintenance on May 17, 2022 beginning at 6 a.m. You may continue to submit jobs until the maintenance period begins, but if the system determines your job will not have time to finish, it will not start until Rivanna is returned to service. Users will not be able to access the Globus data transfer node (UVA Main-DTN) or Research Project storage during the maintenance period. All systems are expected to return to service by 6 a.m. on Wednesday, May 18.
IMPORTANT MAINTENANCE NOTES The operating system will be upgraded from CentOS 7.8 to 7.
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Please join us for a lively panel discussion of the high-performance computing infrastructure and support resources available to researchers in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Panelists from Virginia’s top research universities will provide an overview of the user base at their home institutions and discuss strategies for helping researchers make better use of existing HPC resources. Attendees are encouraged to share their own experiences and engage with panelists during this interactive Q&A session.
*Topic: High-performance Computing Resources in the Commonwealth of Virginia
When: April 27, 2022 01:00 PM, Eastern Time (US and Canada)
REGISTER NOW! -- Featured panelists: Matthew Brown (VT)
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We are proud to announce the founding of Virginia’s first Women in High-Performance Computing (VA-WHPC) program. Join us for our first event of 2022: Female research leaders of the Commonwealth sharing and discussing how HPC has facilitated their scientific research and professional careers.
Topic: How does HPC help with your scientific research – Faculty perspectives, Part II
When: Jan 25, 2022 01:00 PM, Eastern Time (US and Canada)
REGISTER NOW! -- Our speakers: Anne Brown (VT) is an Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, Science Informatics Consultant and Health Analytics Coordinator at Virginia Tech. Her research interests include utilizing computational modeling to answer biological questions and aid in drug discovery and the application of computational molecular modeling to elucidate the relationship between structure, function, and dynamics of biomolecules.
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Rivanna and the Globus data transfer nodes (DTNs) will be down for maintenance on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 beginning at 6 a.m. You may continue to submit jobs until the maintenance period begins, but if the system determines your job will not have time to finish, it will not start until Rivanna is returned to service.
Users will be unable to transfer data using Globus during the maintenance period. Rivanna and the Globus DTNs are expected to return to service by 6 a.m. on Wednesday, December 15.
IMPORTANT MAINTENANCE NOTES New GPU We are pleased to announce the addition of DGX A100 GPU to the gpu partition.
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The Globus data transfer nodes (DTNs) and Rivanna's parallel nodes will be down for maintenance on Tuesday, October 12, 2021, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Users will be unable to transfer data using Globus or run parallel jobs on Rivanna during this period.
All other systems and services—including storage—are expected to continue operating normally.
IMPORTANT MAINTENANCE NOTES The following Rivanna software changes will be implemented during the maintenance period:
IDL/8.4- replaced by 8.8 (8.7.2 still available) ANSYS default version changing from 2021r1 to 2021r2
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We are pleased to announce that AlphaFold is now available on Rivanna! Here are some of our user’s first few protein structure prediction calculations on Rivanna.
Simple ZFc protein: Similar results for AlphaFold (brown) and I-TASSER (blue). (This figure was created with the RCSB Pairwise Structure Alignment tool.)
146PduD-linker-ZFc protein: AlphaFold’s (left) superior ability to predict secondary structure, a β-sheet in its green-yellow region, whereas I-TASSER (right) is not sufficiently refined to feature any β-strands. (This figure was created with NGL Viewer.)
(Credits: David Bass and Prof. Keith Kozminski, Department of Biology)
FAQ What is AlphaFold?
AlphaFold is an AI for protein structure prediction developed by Google DeepMind.
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Rivanna will be down for maintenance on Tuesday, October 12 and Tuesday, December 14. Please plan accordingly. We do not anticipate any additional maintenance days in 2021.
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ITS has completed phase 1 of its network reconfiguration and ITS NAS storage volumes have been remounted on Rivanna. RC managed Research Standard and Research Project storage are also fully available. ITS home1 directories, including /nv/t* mounts, remain unavailable on Rivanna. Users will still be able to mount ITS home1 storage to their local workstations and transfer their data via Globus and the UVA Main DTN. We regret the inconvenience.
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