Three Tiers For Support

Tier 1: Training & Technical Support

Research computing provides training for the use of our systems. The training includes onboarding, introductory sessions, and computational workshops. Additionally, we provide technical support to researchers through our online support request form and virtual office hours. Through these formats, we are able to assist researchers with system access issues and troubleshooting computational problems on our systems. These are services that are provided at no-charge to researchers.

Tier 2: Consultation

Initial project consultation and assessment are provided at no charge. If determined
feasible, the DAC team member will advise the researcher of the specific support
activities that can be offered at no charge (capped at 20h, at ≤ 8h/week). For
assistance that requires more in-depth support, the team member will advise
researchers to enter into a collaboration agreement.

Tier 3: Collaboration

A collaboration is an in-depth engagement in a project, resulting in a custom solution
within a specific domain. This involves a Statement-of-Work document that defines the
scope, timeline, team member’s level of effort and deliverables for the specific project.
However, these RC-DAC activities are chargeable. PIs may budget for our personnel in their
grants or apply for RC DAC awards .