R is a programming language that often is used for data analytics, statistical programming, and graphical visualization.
Loading the R module
On the UVA HPC system, R is available through our module system. For example, to load R, you can type:
module load goolf R
Notice that we included goolf
in the load command. There are two reasons why including goolf
is important:
R was built with a compiler, an interface to OpenMPI, and other utilities. The goolf
module will ensure that each of these items is loaded.
R has many computationally-intensive packages that are built with C, C++, or Fortran. By including goolf, we ensure that the same environment used for building R is loaded for any package installs.
The load command will load a default version of R, unless another version is specified.
To see the available versions of R, type:
module spider R
Loading the RStudio module
RStudio is a development environment for R. We recommend launching RStudio through our web-based portal to the HPC system. For instructions on how to access it, see RStudio Server on the HPC system.
For users who must launch RStudio from the commandline, start up a FastX or Open OnDemand Desktop session and run rstudio-launcher
in the terminal. Then follow the instructions.
To use your local R packages in RStudio, run:
echo "R_LIBS_USER=~/R/goolf/x.y" > ~/.Renviron
where x.y
is the major-minor version, e.g. 4.3
Installing packages
Due to the amount and variability of packages available for R, Research Computing does not maintain R packages beyond the very basic. If you need a package, you can install it in your account, using a local library. For example, to install BiocManager
, you can type:
$ module load goolf R
$ R
> install.packages('BiocManager')
If the R interpreter prompts you about creating a local library, type yes
. If it asks you to select a CRAN mirror, scroll down the list it provides and select one of the US sites.
Or, you can launch RStudio and install the packages as you would on your laptop.
Submitting a Single-Core Job to the Cluster
After you have developed your R program, you can submit it to the compute nodes by using a Slurm job script similar to the following:
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH -t 01:00:00
#SBATCH -o results.out
#SBATCH -p standard
#SBATCH -A mygroup
module purge
module load goolf R
Rscript myRprog.R
This script should be saved in a file, called (for example) r_job.slurm. To run your job, you would submit the script by typing:
sbatch job.slurm
Submitting Multi-Core Jobs to the Cluster
R programs can be written to use multiple cores on a node. You will need to ensure that both Slurm and your R code know how many cores they will be using. In the Slurm script, we recommend using --cpus-per-task
to specify the number of cores. For example:
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=10 #Requests 10 cores
#SBATCH -t 00:30:00
#SBATCH -o results.out
#SBATCH -p standard
#SBATCH -A mygroup
module purge
module load goolf R
Rscript myRprog.R ${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK}
For the R code, the number of cores can be passed in with a command-line argument, as shown in the above example with ${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK}. The code will need to be designed to read in the command-line argument and establish the number of available cores. For example:
cmdArgs <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
numCores <- as.integer(cmdArgs[1]) - 1
Or, you if you do not want to use command-line arguments, you can use the function Sys.getenv()
in the R code. For example:
numCores <- as.integer(Sys.getenv("SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK")) - 1
Do not use the detectCores()
function, which is often shown in tutorial examples. It will detect the number of physical cores – not how many core Slurm is allowing the program to use.
Submitting MPI Jobs to the Cluster
R programs can be distributed across multiple nodes with MPI (message passing interface) and the appropriate MPI packages. To run a parallel R job that uses MPI, the Slurm script would be similar to the following:
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=10
#SBATCH -t 00:30:00
#SBATCH -o results.out
#SBATCH -p parallel
#SBATCH -A mygroup
module purge
module load goolf R
mpirun Rscript myRprog.R
The items to notice in this script are
i) the number of nodes;
ii) the number of tasks;
iii) the parallel partition; and
iv) the mpirun
before the command to run the R code.
Submitting Jobs to Rio
When running Slurm jobs on Rio, it is essential to ensure that all R packages and environment variables are configured correctly. Rio compute nodes can only run jobs from high-security research standard storage, so it’s important to ensure that all necessary files and variables point to this location.
Before installing any R packages, create an .Renviron
file in a directory under your high-security research standard storage. For example:
touch /standard/ivy-xxx-xxxx/path/to/R/.Renviron
Next, create the .Rprofile
file in the same directory as .Renviron
and add the following content to the .Rprofile
R_VERSION <- paste(R.version$major, sub("\\..*", "", R.version$minor), sep=".")
lib_path <- file.path("/sfs/ceph/hachi/standard/ivy-xxx-xxxx/path/to/R", R_VERSION)
# Create the directory for the R library if it doesn't exist
if (!dir.exists(lib_path)) {
dir.create(lib_path, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
# Set R_LIBS_USER in this session
Sys.setenv(R_LIBS_USER = lib_path)
# Update the .Renviron file with the correct R_LIBS_USER path
r_envpath <- normalizePath("/sfs/ceph/hachi/standard/ivy-xxx-xxxx/path/to/R/.Renviron", mustWork = FALSE)
writeLines(paste0("R_LIBS_USER=", lib_path), "/sfs/ceph/hachi/standard/ivy-xxx-xxxx/path/to/R/.Renviron")
# Reload the environment variable to apply changes immediately
Replace the lines with ‘ivy-xxx-xxxx’ to the path in your filesystem where the R directory exists.
This will ensure that R packages are installed in the correct directory under high-security storage.The .Rprofile
file also dynamically adjusts to whatever version of R you’re working with (RStudio or different module R versions).
It’s important to ensure that the /standard/ivy-xxx-xxxx/path/to/R/X.Y
(Eg 4.3) directory exists before trying to install any new packages. Otherwise, R will try to create a directory under /home. If this happens, you can just close R then try running again and it should install correctly since the path has then been created from the .Rprofile file.
Additionally, if switching between R versions, make sure to load R then close it before actually running it on your code. For some reason, R_LIBS_USER gets set properly, but if packages are installed right after closing the previous version, they still install in the other /standard/ivy-xxx-xxxx/path/to/R/X.Y
(Eg If using 4.4, packages will install in 4.3). You’ll want to quit R, purge the module, then re-load to try again.
To ensure the environment variables persist across sessions, add the following to your ~/.bashrc
export R_PROFILE="/standard/ivy-xxx-xxxx/path/to/R/.Rprofile"
export R_ENVIRON="/standard/ivy-xxx-xxxx/path/to/R/.Renviron"
These variables will carry over from your virtual machine (VM) frontend to the compute node. If these variables are not set in ~/.bashrc
, they can also be exported directly in your Slurm script or via the command line when using ijob
export R_PROFILE="/standard/ivy-xxx-xxxx/path/to/R/.Rprofile"
export R_ENVIRON="/standard/ivy-xxx-xxxx/path/to/R/.Renviron"
module purge
module load R/4.3.1
Keep in mind to replace /standard/ivy-xxx-xxxx/path/to/R
with the path to R in your storage share.
By following the above steps, you will ensure that your Slurm jobs are properly configured to run with the required R packages and environment settings under the high-security research standard storage system.
If you have questions about running your R code on the HPC system or would like a consultation to optimize or parallelize your code, contact hpc-support@virginia.edu.