Virginia Women in HPC - Women in HPC & IT Leadership Roles

Topic: Women in HPC & IT Leadership Roles.

When: October 12, 2022 01:00 PM, Eastern Time (US and Canada).

Join us for our Fall community meeting to hear from female leaders in the HPC & IT field sharing challenges and successes experienced throughout their careers. Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to learn about career strategies, share your experience, and contribute to our discussion of how the playing field may be leveled to offer equitable HPC & IT leadership opportunities for women and minorities. Attendees are invited to share their own experiences and engage with panelists during this interactive Q&A session.

  • Robin Bryan - AVP for Information Technology/CIO at James Madison University.

  • Corinne Picataggi - Chief Technology Officer at the College of William and Mary.

  • Moderator - Gladys Andino, Senior Computational Scientist at the University of Virginia.

Virginia WHPC is committed to increasing diversity and inclusion by promoting and encouraging the participation of women in high-performance computing and related fields.