
  • Mission

    Research Computing empowers UVA researchers to achieve more with cutting-edge computational resources. Our support team strives to create innovative solutions for researchers who need help solving complex optimization, parallelization, workflow, and data analysis issues. We build and maintain the University’s best computing platforms while educating the next generation of researchers on the power of advanced computing.
  • Integrated Sensor Networks in Arctic Alaska

    Understanding the Changing Natural-Built Landscape in an Arctic Community Navigating the New Arctic (NNA) is one of The National Science Foundation’s 10 Big Ideas. NNA projects address convergence scientific challenges in the rapidly changing Arctic. Arctic research is needed to inform the economy, security and resilience of the Nation, the larger region and the globe. NNA empowers new research partnerships from local to international scales, diversifies the next generation of Arctic researchers, enhances efforts in formal and informal education, and integrates the co-production of knowledge where appropriate. This award fulfills part of that aim by addressing interactions among social systems, natural environment, and built environment in the following NNA focus areas: Arctic Residents, Data and Observation, Education, and Resilient Infrastructure.
  • COVID Saliva Testing

    In cooperation with the UVA Saliva Testing Lab, the UVA Health System, and the Virginia Department of Health, the “Be SAFE” saliva
    testing program was launched in late 2020. Now a retired project, Be SAFE used saliva samples to detect the COVID-19 virus through a diagnostic PCR test.
    Research Computing provided computational, storage, and data integration expertise to this project.

  • Storage FAQs

    Accidental File Deletions Why Lease Storage Leased Storage Options File Transfer with Globus Permission Denied Error with Globus Help! I deleted my files accidentally! What can I do? Your home directory contains a hidden directory .snapshot which is not visible even with ls -a. Change into that directory to find timestamped versions of your home directory. Snapshots are created once per day. For GPFS Research Project (leased) storage, the directory is /gpfs/gpfs0/project/.snapshots. For non-GPFS Research Project storage, the directory is /project/.snapshot. Neither Research Standard (leased) nor Rivanna/Afton scratch storage is backed up in any way. Why should I lease storage?
  • Research Data Storage

    $(document).ready(function() { $("#status-message").hide(); updateStatusMessages(); setInterval(checkStatusMessages, 6000); }); function updateStatusMessages() { $.getJSON(‘https://tja4lfp3da.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/api/messages' , function(data) { var messageData = ‘'; $.each(data, function(key, value) { var converter = Markdown.getSanitizingConverter(); var timestamp = value.body.substr(0,19); var messageBody = value.body.substring(timestamp.length+1).replace("<br>", "
    “); var messageLength = messageBody.length; if ( messageLength = millisPerDay) { var datestr = now.toDateString(); } else { var datestr = post_date.toDateString(); } msg = “[” + datestr + “] “+ msg; } } $('#status-message-'+keywords[j]).html(converter.makeHtml(msg)); } }); }); }; There are a variety of options for storing research data at UVA. Public and internal use data storage systems can be accessed from the Rivanna and Afton high performance computing systems.

  • Graphical SFTP/SCP Transfer Tools

    Several options are available to transfer data files between a local computer and the HPC system through user-friendly, graphical methods.
    Off Campus? Connecting to Rivanna and Afton HPC systems from off Grounds via Secure Shell Access (SSH) or FastX requires a VPN connection. We recommend using the UVA More Secure Network if available. The UVA Anywhere VPN can be used if the UVA More Secure Network is not available. Only Windows and Mac OSX operating systems are supported by the Cisco client provided by ITS. Linux users should refer to these unsupported instructions to install and configure a VPN. The More Secure Network requires authentication through Duo; users should follow the instructions on the dialog box to enter "